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Attended a Hypack conference in San Diego(1/12-14).

Demonstration Demonstration2

■CODEN Survey Boat in HYPACK
The Coden Survey Boat is a remotely controlled survey vessel that is best suited for shallow and hard to reach estuaries that a standard survey vessel would have difficulty in maneuvering. The Coden Survey Boat is a small ~3 foot vessel that is hand launched and wirelessly controlled. The controls are sent over a WIFI network that is portable with approximately a 500 meter range. If the vessel encounters a loss of the WIFI command connection, the vessel will perform a return to base point procedure. This procedure uses the onboard GPS to return to the first position that the vehicle stored when it was turned on.
The Coden Survey Boat has a special driver in the HYPACK HARDWARE to enable it to interface to the HYPACK software. The driver should be included in the HYPACK 2009 release as a custom driver. Once this is accomplished the driver is ready to go.
In the HYPACK software the user creates a project and sets the Geodetic Parameters. Then in the HYPACK HARDWARE program the user can configure the Coden Survey Boat. Below is a screen capture of the HYPACK HARDWARE after the Coden driver has been added and configured. The Coden Survey Boat comes with a WIFI Console that must be connected to the ETHERNET PORT on the controlling HYPACK Computer.
The Setup dialog in the HYPACK HARDWARE is shown below. The only parameters to configure are the Minimum, Maximum and Step for the digital graph. The 200k Hz sonar reports a sounding at 2 Hz and the GPS reports a position at 1 Hz. In the test configuration the survey boat was fitted with a 24 or 6 degree sonar transducer.
Below is a sample of the data that was collected in HYPACK at the conference. After roughly 45 minutes the survey the HYPACK Software the sonar recorded 3839 soundings. In the current configuration the only method to control the vehicle is to use the USB Flight Controller but in the near future Automatic Line Following will be available. Once the Boat is setup in HARDWARE the surveyor uses the screen just as they would any other survey to collect the data required.
After a short ( 5 minutes ) processing of the data in the HYPACK SINGLE BEAM EDITOR the data was converted to a 3D Surface using the TIN MODEL program.
This is a TIN MODEL that was used to create the contour lines at Joe’s Crab Shack in San Diego.

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